Tuesday, May 13, 2008
About Me
- Name: Jim Shaver
- Location: New Bloomfield, Missouri, United States
Previous Posts
- Who Will Cast the Last Stone?
- How Many Vocational Evangelists Does it Take to...
- Could It Really Be This Simple?
- MBC 1987 vs. MBC 2007
- Where All Baptists Are In Total Agreement
- It's Not About the Liquor, Stupid!
- Bureaucracy Breeds Stupidity
- Sins of the SBC
- For The Latest on Calvinism in the SBC
- Dakota Partnership Gains Momentum
I've heard it said that it's nice to be wanted, after seeing this I'm not sure. :-)
For those of you who do not recognize the culprit he is Micah Fries of Missouri.
He is a most dangerous individual.
He is suspected of being a part of a vast left wing conspiracy in the state of Missouri.
Alleged crimes include:
1. Speaking at a microphone at the 2007 MBC Convention against an alcohol resolution submitted by one Roger Moran.
2. Supporting Acts 29
I'm sure there are other "guilt by association" acts of indiscretion that will be added to the charges.
MBLA - Missouri Baptist Layman's Association
Roger Moran is chief researcher
Here's What Started all this Wanted Idea - An Email Announcement from Roger Moran to Conservatives in Missouri of a Meeting being Held today in Missouri (not all conservatives got this email)
MBC Conservative State-Wide Meeting
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
10 am to 2 pm
Peachtree Banquet Center, Columbia
Lunch at 12:00 ($10 per person)
Please RSVP if you have not already do so.
Dear Fellow MBC Conservatives,
This coming Tuesday, May 13th will be our next state-wide meeting. We hope you are planning to attend -- and if possible, bring another sympathetic pastor (or two or three) with you. We are hoping for as many as 175 for this meeting.
Much has happened since our first meeting and we will be discussing a number of important issues.
Among the topics we will be discussing will be:
The formation of the "Peace Committee" by the MBC Executive Board. What does all this mean? What will this committee be doing? Will alcohol, the emerging church and Acts 29 cease to be issues? Will the 42% that voted against the alcohol resolution come back equally strong or stronger this year?
The Nominating Committee: What happened and why? Why did 12 of the 24 committee members sign a letter to the Executive Board asking for the removal of the chairman?
The Willow Creek Association's conference for Youth Workers called "Shift." (Featured speakers included Brian McLaren from Emergent Village and Shane Claiborne who serves together with McLaren on the board of the far-left Sojourners.) This is about the downloading of the "new liberalism" into many unsuspecting SBC churches.
Why did Hannibal LaGrange College change its student handbook on alcohol, going from clear and concise language to vague and ambiguous?
The pastor that spoke against the alcohol resolution at the 2007 MBC annual meeting has been named to the SBC Committee on Committees which names the SBC Nominating Committee. This pastor, Micah Fries, is strongly supportive of Acts 29. (SOC spokesman David Sheppard served on this committee last year.)
Other items of discussion will include NAMB-sponsored events featuring Acts 29 and Emerging church leaders as well as the recent hiring of David McAlpin (one of the 11 SOC leaders who helped the Journey in St. Louis plant an Acts 29 church in St. Charles that also had a bar-room ministry in a micro-brewery. McAlpin's son is an intern at the Journey).
This is also about the downloading of "cultural liberalism" into MBC/SBC churches.
We will also talk about the Barna Research showing that the vast overwhelming majority of "born again" Christians do not hold to a clearly defined Biblical worldview.
On the flip side of this coin, the SBC counsel on the Family has cited research showing that Evangelicals are loosing 88% of our own children to the culture as they graduate from high school. All this should be telling us something...
We will also be discussing the subject of church planting within the MBC. As the research director for MBLA, I requested several weeks ago a significant amount of information from our MBC Executive Board staff regarding church planting. I should have this material today.
I have also attached the 2004 resolution passed by the MBC titled: "Holiness and the Cultural Forces of Influence." This resolution summed up in a brief manner what I considered to be the foundational issues that ultimately resulted in Project 1000. I believe this resolution is equally relevant to the controversy we find ourselves in today.
If you have any questions, feel free to email or give me a call. Hope to see you on Tuesday.
Roger Moran
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