If Cabelas Was an SBC Church I'd Join
I had the privilege to visit the new Cabelas Store in Hazelwood, MO. yesterday.
WOW! What a Great Store.
I would have moved my membership if they had given an invitation. As it was I just gave my "tithe" (a new gun purchase) and received my free gift ( a new Cabelas cap) and left promising myself I'd soon return.
I sure wish folks held my church in such high regard.
Is that the Beer Temple? Of course it is. It's Busch Stadium and Missouri Baptists flock to the temple by the hundreds to watch Albert Pujols play ball in the stadium that beer bought.
But, wait a minute......
The Journey Church is not permitted to have a discussion group in a brewery?
I don't get it.
It's OK to sit in the middle of a stadium surrounded by slobbering beer guzzling drunks and cheer for the Cardinals but it's not OK to go to Schlafly Bottleworks and talk about the Bible or Jesus with some of those same beer drinkers?
Excuse me, but what planet does this make sense on?